Media & Resources

Interviews & Related Things

Storytelling & Panels

Academic Consultant

Resources for Writers, Teachers & Book People

Chuck Wendig Terribleminds: Amazing, funny, witty, smart, and the most creative mind for creating the BEST colorful language on the planet.


Jane Friedman: Writing, querying, business information that’s concise, practical, and worth your time.


Harold Underdown and the Purple Crayon: This guy KNOWS the business. Up-to-date information about what’s new, who’s new, and who’s going where. Plus he exudes kindness and class.


Kate Messner: Loads of information for authors and educators, including a list of authors who do virtual visits FREE OF CHARGE


MSWL: Do you ever wish there was a place that had all the manuscript dreams of your favorite agents and editors? It’s here! #MSWL



Agent Query: How fast do they respond? Are they easy to contact? The scoop is here!


Lesley Roessing is a former school teacher, founding director of the Coastal Savannah Writing Project and literary consultant. Do you need activities to get your students writing, reading, and succeeding?